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Writer's pictureRodrigo Johnson

The Top 5 Reasons Why Mexico Should Be Your Next Destination

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

"Voice of my guitar when waking up in the morning, he wants to sing his joy to my Mexican land; I sing to your volcanoes, to your prairies and flowers that are like talismans of the love of my loves Beautiful and dear Mexico, if I die far from you let them say that I'm asleep and bring me here." -Lyrics of the Traditional Mexican Song "Mexico Lindo y Querido

“Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly"? -Frida Kahlo

The COVID19 pandemic was brutal… for everyone. It not only tested our physical strength but our mental health, relationships with our loved ones, emotional wellbeing and as a result it’s now affecting our wallets! Due to endless lockdowns, mask restrictions and social distancing; we are all now itching to get away from it all! Planning the perfect vacation can be tricky, some vacations can burn a hole in your wallet, with endless flights, layovers and delays! But what if I told you there is a magical place filled with wondrous sights to see, food so delicious you’ll feel like you died and went to heaven, an enchanting history, blissful weather AND IT WON’T BREAK THE BANK! With just a short plane ride to its capital you’ll be ready for the adventure of a lifetime. There’s a reason the locals say, “Mexico es Magico!” or “Mexico is Magic!”

Now, you might be thinking, “Sure I could go for an all-inclusive vacation right now in Cancun!” BUT LET ME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE! Mexico is so much more than all-inclusive vacations; yes the beaches there are incredible but if all you’ve done in Mexico is stay in the resort you are missing out, friends! Mexico has something for everyone and I mean EVERYONE! Are you a history buff that loves devouring ancient tales filled with heroes and warriors? Well, Mexico has got you covered! Do you enjoy going to art galleries and discussing the pain, love and life seen in Modern art, Magical Realism, and Symbolism paintings? Good news Mexico as numerous renowned art galleries and Exhibitions, like El Palacio De Bellas Artes (Mexico City), El Museo Soumaya (Mexico City), and the Frida Kahlo Museum (Coyocan), just to name a few! How about our Foodies our there? Don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about you! Mexico is home to some of the most mouth-watering, decadent food in the world! Take the street taco, for example, it starts with a fresh, warm hand made tortilla, filled with the succulent meat or vegetable of your choice, topped with crisp onion and cilantro (I know, but trust me on this) and finally painted with the most delicious salsa you’ve ever tasted! It sounds simple but the way the flavours dance on your tongue is nothing short of amazing, it's… a work of art! FULL DISCLAIMER: BE PREPARED TO THROW YOUR DIET OUT THE WINDOW, and believe you, me, you won’t even be mad about it! How about those culture aficionados, that just love to be immersed in every aspect of a country’s culture? Well, once again Mexico has got you covered! The Mexican culture will not only captivate you, through all its life, beauty and colour; it will make you feel like you belong. The people in Mexico will become like the family you never had, the cool relatives that like to drink and party, not the boring aunt that brings the same dish every year for Christmas!

I am not exaggerating when I say Mexico is the perfect Vacation Destination and will satisfy everyone in your group! But if you still don’t believe me, allow me to tell you… you’re wrong! I’m kidding, you’re entitle to your own opinion, even if it’s the wrong one! But seriously continue reading and I will transport you on a journey and by the end you will have changed your mind! Let’s dive right in to the top 7 reasons to visit Mexico!

  1. Mystical Archeological sites! When you think about Mexico, one of the first things that usually pops into people’s heads are the pyramids, and for good reason! Mexico is covered by hundreds of ancient pyramids and ruins, one of the most renowned, being the breathtakingly stunning Chichen Izta, which literally translates to ‘at the mouth of the well of the Izta’. This incredible historical site is located in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and the best time to visit is during the “equinox” (meaning ‘equal night’ in Latin); which is a celestial event that happens twice, every year around March 21 and September 21. On every equinox, you can expect to experience an extraordinary phenomenon, caused by the sun of the late afternoon! What phenomenon you may ask? Well, the sun creates the illusion of a snake slowly creeping down the northern staircase, which lasts around 45 min and then POOF, it disappears! The whole day feels like a carnival, with rock bands competing with traditional music and folk-dance displays! Don’t forget to wear white, when you visit during the equinox to get rid of bad vibes and attract positive energy from the sun, #goodvibesonly! Another stunning Archeological site is called, Teotihuacan, which is an ancient Mesoamerican City located 50 km northeast of modern-day Mexico City. Teotihuacan was founded in 1400s by the Aztec civilization and translates to “the place where the gods were created”. This ancient city contains several large, important structures like, The Pyramid of the Moon, The Pyramid of the Sun, the Ciudadela (Citadel) and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl! The awesome thing about this site is you can actually climb the pyramids all the way to the top, making you feel like a bad-ass ruler. But if you do plan on climbing it, consider hitting the gym before arriving as the largest structure (The Pyramid of the Sun), stands at a whopping 66 meters (216 feet) tall and has 248 steps at a steep incline! It’s true bro, don’t skip leg day!

2. It’s abundance of Art galleries and Museums! Did you know Mexico City is the city with the most museums in the world? Mexico is filled with countless art galleries and unique museums like “The torture Museum, The Serial Killer Museum, an interactive science museum for kids named “Papalote”(which means kite), and the famous Frida Kahlo Museum where you can devour iconic paintings like ‘Viva la Vida’ (Long Live Life) and Kahlo’s first self-portrait! If you are planning to visit, be sure to get your tickets online and IN ADVANCE as the lines are usually extremely long and you could be in line for quite some time. Luckily, there is no shortage of delicious food vendors, to equip you with mouth-watering food as you wait! Without a doubt, one of the most famous art galleries in all of Mexico, stands in the heart of the capital it's called, ‘Palacio De Bellas Artes’, or ‘The Palace of Fine Arts’. Its exteriors are striking, with a mixture of Art Deco, Neoclassical Architecture and Art Nouveau Architecture; making it Instagram-worthy! Be prepared to get thousands of likes! General admission into the gallery is $80MXN ($5.85CAD), which is a steal for its beauty! Here you can find different kinds of expositions every month; for the music lovers there is always different orchestras from all over the world that come to this place to show off their amazing talents. For example, do you remember renowned opera singer Luciano Pavarotti? Well, he delighted people many times with his astonishing voice in this beautiful palace, just to name one of many. These are just a few of the many museum and art galleries that you can find in Mexico City but what about the rest of the country? Well, let me tell you that the entire country is filled with history in every corner of it, so no matter where you go, if you have a curious mind ready to be filled with beauty, knowledge and mysteries, Mexico is the place for you! You will find museums and art everywhere you go, trust me you won’t be disappointed.

3. Wonderfully colourful Culture: Mexicans love foreigners and they are not shy to show affection, so if you are planning to immerse yourself in this beautiful culture, be prepared to get a little overwhelmed with real Mexican hospitality. You will be amazed of how welcome you feel in places you have never been, with people you have never met. But, I am not going to lie, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you come from a background where people respect your personal space. It is a norm to say "Hi" to people with a kiss on the cheek, (if you are two males it is more accepted to hug instead) so be prepared to give and receive lots of kisses from your new friends. Talking about kisses, you will see big displays of affection all over the country. It is well accepted to see public displays of affection in the street, park, restaurant or anywhere really. So if you come from a culture where displays of affection are meant to be shown behind closed doors only, beware and prepare yourself for the show! Mexicans love to party! If there is a valid excuse to celebrate (and even if there is not), they will take advantage and make an event out of it. All over the country during most weekends you will be able to hear loud music from a house, apartment, club, bar or even entire buildings where people get together, dance and party! True or False: Mexican Independence Day is on May 5th also known as Cinco De Mayo? ……. FALSE! Cinco de Mayo is celebrated mostly in the USA; Mexican Locals generally don’t celebrate this day since Cinco De Mayo marks a Mexican military victory over the French in 1862. The Independence Day is actually the evening of September 15, where residents are granted the day off and celebrations are held all over the country. Locals gather around midnight to celebrate “El Grito” or the “Independence Cry” and a live broadcast is held in the centre of Mexico City where the President of the country is seen addressing his people followed by a spectacular show of fireworks! A word of caution! This event is huge and it literally fills the streets, so it gets extremely crowded and can be difficult to move around, as Mexicans do not observe personal space. So, if you are claustrophobic, consider going to a local pub, cracking open a cold one and watching the broadcast!

4. Succulent Food Get ready to gain some pounds around the waist on this trip. Allow me to explain, for most people who visit Mexico, this is one of their favourite parts of the trip. I mean there is a reason why Mexican food was honoured with the title of “World Heritage” by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). And the best part is that the food is different in every part of the country, since locals have their own unique dishes or the same ones but prepared in a different way. For example, the Mexican dishes that are the most common are the ones prepared in the north of the country, as they are easily “exported” to the United States because of its proximity. This include: Burritos, chimichangas and believe it or not the Caesar Salad, which was created in Tijuana, a Mexican City that borders California! The delicious, mighty taco is not even included in this list because that is a national dish; you can find different kinds of tacos all over the country and I mean let’s face it, Mexicans consider anything inside a tortilla- a 'taco'! Locals famously snack on the “salt taco” which is simply a tortilla filled with salsa and they love it! In the south of Mexico you can enjoy very typical food like Tlayudas which is considered a Mexican Pizza but instead of dough, local people from the state of Oaxaca use a large handmade tortilla and instead of tomato sauce, refried beans are used instead. Towards the centre of the country, you can find “Mole” which is a dish made out of chocolate and spices, making it a succulent delicacy. Towards the south east you can find “Cochinita Pibil” which is a form of pulled pork that has a delicious Mexican twist and is eaten in many different ways, such as over tostadas (a crunchy tortilla) or over the pauncho (a deep fried tortilla filled with beans, cheese and curated onions. Wherever you go, there is something delicious and new waiting for you, and one of the best perks is that everything is really cheap, which makes a gateway for me to start with the last point.

5. Ridiculous Cheap Prices One of the most attractive parts for anyone who would like to emerge into Mexico’s beauty and culture, is that it won’t cost an arm and a leg for you to be able to do it. Mexico is considered one of the most affordable countries around the world for tourists! So consider all the things that were mentioned above are just a few steps away and it won't even break the bank to get there! I mean you can already picture yourself drinking a Margarita at a local bar, getting to know new people and exploring the magic of Mexico without touching your life’s savings. You might be wondering what can I buy with 1 American dollar? The answer is not that simple, since it varies from place to place but it can easily get you a beer, a pop or a snack. In some places, a full meal won’t cost you more than 3 American dollars, and even if you want to go all out and have a nice dinner in a fancy place, you will be surprised of how affordable it is. It is especially affordable when you are travelling around the country and stop at little towns called “Pueblos”. There, the prices are ridiculously cheap, you almost feel bad knowing the prices that we pay for meals like that in our native countries. What about hotels, hostels or airbnb? These are not the exception, the prices that you would pay for a place to stay in Mexico has no comparison with the prices you would pay in other countries. You can treat yourself and pay for a great hotel that will ensure you get pampered and you won’t regret it because it won’t make a big dent in your bank account. The same goes for entertainment around the country, it is very affordable; there is a reason why a lot of tourist choose Mexico as a destination to tryout extreme sports and other similar activities like Skydiving, Hot Air Ballon or snorkelling. The prices to try out these activities are way cheaper than most places.

It’s expected that by the third point most of you should’ve have already started to book your next vacation to Mexico, but if you are not already convinced let me tell you that this is a no-brainer. And you won’t regret a decision that could change the way you see the world right now. Going to Mexico is like being transported to a parallel dimension where you find, good food, explore ancient civilizations and its mysteries, find beauty and colour in every corner for almost no money; but overall you find friendship. The warmth of Mexican people is what makes you want to go back and do it all over again. The opportunity to travel to Mexico is an opportunity that cannot be missed.



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